I turned in my notice at my full time job today, y'all

And yes, I gold foiled my resignation letter.
When I first started All She Wrote Notes almost two years ago, I was running late to book club and I made these note cards for my friend Laura. I had signed up for an eight part calligraphy course for my 27th Birthday and was living out my wish of learning to write in these beautiful letters. My girlfriends loved them and wanted to know how they could order, so I went home that night and opened
my etsy shop. From my bed. On my iPhone 4. With this exact photo.

I named my business after my Mom who was always ending stories with "that's all she wrote" because I knew I wanted something southern and true to my roots. That night I opened an
instagram account, a
gmail account and a twitter that I almost never use. A few days later I was at a golf tournament with Chris and my phone made this noise "cha CHING!" I didn't even know what it was, and I wasn't even supposed to have my phone on, but nothing could have prepared me for everything that was to follow that very first sale. A lady in New Orleans purchased this set of Southern Sayings Note Cards.
((PS Luana if you are reading this, I would LOVE to send you a prettier set. I've gotten much better, but thank you! I owe you.)) It took a while to sink in for me that someone I didn't even know (and wasn't facebook friends with my mom) wanted to buy these cards that I made. [caption id="attachment_63" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

my first business card -- calligraphy written on my first night in business, ever.[/caption] Even though I
loved working at UNC, this transition has been a long time coming, and I want to share the whole story with you. I didn't do any of this on my own. This is a story that WE wrote together. Over the next three weeks, leading up to the two year Birthday of All She Wrote Notes, and my last day at Carolina, I will be talking about all of my firsts with this sweet little business and how I made it here.
I heard a quote last week that said "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." That resonated with me more than almost anything I have ever written. What if I had never started?

God had a plan for me to be a calligrapher. I am sure of it. I feel
next level blessed to be able to turn what was once a day dream into my full time career. Toss some confetti for me today, and for YOU for encouraging me to take this leap of faith and live out my dream of spreading happiness with my handwriting. that's all she wrote (for today),
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