Have Maghon write your name in her beautiful signature script for you to use again and again!
This listing Includes a black and white digital file of ONE word/name in Maghon’s handwriting. If you have a longer word or phrase, please select that from the dropdown. You can create vinyl decals, stamps, printables and so much more! The options are endless when we combine our creativity!
This does NOT include licensing rights to reproduce the art for resale. For personal use only. If you'd like Maghon to hand letter your business name or logo, that pricing can be found here.
If your word or phrase is more than one word please select those quantities in the dropdown menu.
The file will be delivered as a JPEG, PDF, and SVG file by request to the email that you provided at checkout. Since these are made to order and require several steps, it may take up to two weeks for delivery. Due to the digital nature of this product, a proof will not be provided and this item is final sale.
Please don’t forget to add the name or phrase to the "personalization details" field below so that Maghon knows what you would like her to write.
This item needs to be purchased separately from other items that will be shipped. Use the coupon code DIGITAL to refund your shipping at checkout since no physical products will be mailed.
Please allow up to 15 business days for personalized items that require Maghon's Hand Lettered touch.
Beach Towels, Custom Shirts and Address Stamps are Made to Order and are shipped directly from our printer. They may arrive separately from other items.
Items are shipped USPS mail or UPS and tracking information is always automatically emailed to the address provided at checkout.
Our studio mail pickup is often after 4:00 p.m., so tracking may take up to 24 hours to update.